Friday, October 25, 2013

Typhoon # 2

Typhoon season is in full swing in Japan.  We are about to experience our second typhoon since we arrived.  This one is not projected to actually hit Japan just near enough to cause extra caution.  The rain and wind has begun but only very minimal compared to last typhoon.  The typhoon should hit/pass by early tomorrow morning causing mainly rain (and lots of it) tonight and most of tomorrow.  Looks like another inside rainy day.

We went to one of our favorite Japanese restaurants at Kokubunji today.  We ordered a new dish that we thought was going to be udon noodle soup.  Or at least we thought.  Turns out the picture we thought had udon was actually the stems of mushrooms.  So instead of soup we got a bowl of mushrooms, potatoes, and giant chinks of parsnip all in a weird slimy goop.  It was not that appealing. It turns out this was a combo dish as well.  It also came with a wooden box dish with a lid. Kelly and I looked at each other knowing that anything could be under that lid.  We took the top off cautiously.  I was relieved when we took the lid off while Kelly felt grossed out haha

In the dish was a bed of rice with some type of meat (or animal) on top.  To me they looked like clams and I was good to go.  The gooeyness and chewy look made Kelly not so sure.  I tried one and it tasted mostly like a clam.  I thought it was pretty good actually.  Kelly was finally ready to try one and when she picked it up with her chopsticks we noticed hers had an orange thing inside it.  It looked like an orange kidney shaped thing.

She tried it and said it was better than she thought but still wasn't overly excited for it.  Seth tried one but said the same.  I ended up eating the rest! The rest of the meal was great though! We got the chicken dish we love and then we also got a tofu and spicy sauce dish.  It hard to explain what exactly it is but its a sauce with tofu on top.  You scope some of the sauce on to your rice and enjoy.  It is definitely spicy though so I have to be careful how much I add to my rice! 

A picture of the sauce and tofu 

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