Friday, October 4, 2013


Our definition of dessert and the definition in Japan are two opposites! We think of sweet and rich, while Japanese people think of bean paste....

The bean paste is usually green or purple.  And it is a weird consistency of gooey/sticky yet firm.  Its also a little gritty.  We had a doughnut last week with bean paste in the middle, not nearly as good!  Marley likes it, tells us it tastes like chocolate.  Then again he tells us the fruit outside which smells awful also smells like chocolate.

We have tried this dessert twice now, once in the doughnut and once in just a block chunk.  Each time Seth says its different and not really a dessert.  Yet he continues to buy it.  He bought another one for dessert this afternoon.  This time it came on a stick, several round green balls of bean paste with purple bean paste spread over the top.  This is us "enjoying" dessert...

Thankfully Seth has a pretty big sweet tooth and we get real desserts after Marley goes to bed.  This is tonight's dessert!  Good old 7-11

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