Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Another day

We survived the typhoon! haha When we went to bed last night the rain was continuing to pick up along with the winds.  I woke up several times throughout the night and it never let up.  We all got up around 630 this morning and the rain had finally mostly stopped but the wind was stronger than ever.  It was the first time we weren't happy about living in the wooded area of campus.  It felt like for sure a tree was going to fall on the house.  But by 10am the rain had completely stopped and the wind was dying down to just a normal fall breeze.  Its crazy how it went from a strong storm to just another day in a matter of an hour.

Marley and I braved the weather around 11am and went out.  We of course went into all of the buildings and rode the elevators again and again.

By 1pm it was sunny ad 75 degrees outside.  We ended up riding our bicycles to the large park and spending some time outside.  

Marley goes back for his second day of school tomorrow....
Wish us luck!

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