Monday, November 25, 2013

Tokyo Skytree - take 2

We decided Sunday morning that we would attempt yet again to see the Skytree.  Seth decided he would take Marley early and head down there to get tickets and Kelly and I would join a little later.  He left and was at the Skytree before 10:30 and still our ticket time wasn't until 3:30!  So Kelly and I headed down that way and met them at the Kanda station.  We still had 2 hours to kill so we took Marley to the 8 story toy store in town.  Then it was finally time to head to the Skytree. Of course though at this point Marley was tired and cranky so waiting in line was no fun.  But we made it up, 350 meters up! We made it up right at sunset so the view was amazing.  Its unbelievable how big the city is!  It looked like it never ended!  We were lucky because it was a mostly clear day and we were able to see Mount Fuji!

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