Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sick Boy

Last night Marley started to feel a little down in the gutter. He said his belly hurt and his face looked pale and he felt like he had a slight fever.  He went to bed before dinner and slept through the night.  In the morning he felt better but still not great.  We decided to try going to school and see if he could make it through.  I could Marley on the bus to school by myself this morning.  Poor guy, he fell on the sidewalk right outside of the school.  And with his new backpack (which doesnt fit well, it retricts his arms).  So when he fell he couldnt put his hands out to brace himself and landed on his face! He got a nasty bloody/swollen lip.  It was awful! He was fine overall but just added to him already not feeling good.  He didn't want to do anything at school except sit with me and read/rest so we ended up leaving and going home early.  He fell asleep within minutes of being home and resting with Kelly.  He ended up napping all day, woke up once for maybe half an hour and then right back to bed for the night.  He looks so sad with his swollen lip and pale face.
Hopefully he feels better tomorrow morning!

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