Sunday, November 24, 2013

Meat on a Stick

Saturday there was parent's day at Marley's school to show all of the art work the kids have created.  Marley was finally feeling a little better so Seth decided to take Marley while Kelly and I did some stuff around the house.  We got a text message from him 45 minutes later saying "bring money and bikes to gym, meet in 10".  It turns out there was some sort of Farmers Market going on with little booths and stands set up all around the square.  We bought some fried chicken and jo-jos and ate near the fountain.  That was good but after Marley said he was still hungry.  So we decided to try meat on a stick.  Seth bought two different kinds.  I thought one was chicken and the other was seafood.  The chicken turned out to look like beef when it was cooked.  I had the first bite, definitely not beef!  Seth tried it next and ended up spitting it out, he doesn't have much of a tolerance for new/different things.  What we thought was chicken turned out to be some animals tongue!  We threw that away and went on to the seafood.  It was in little pieces and was white.  It was a little chewy and slimy but wasn't as bad as the tongue.  That was until we realized it wasn't seafood but rather intestines.  The after taste was worse than actually eating the intestines! As soon as we got back to the house we all quickly drank some coke to get rid of that taste!!

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