Monday, November 11, 2013

Hakone Open Air Museum

The first day it was overcast and slightly rainy so after the onsen we decided to try the outdoor open air museum in town.  They had many sculptures outside, child play spaces, indoor artwork, and a Picasso section.

Within minutes of purchasing our tickets and entering the gates it began to downpour! Of course, we didn't bring any umbrellas from Kodaira because we weren't expecting rain.  So our tour was quicken by the impending rain but thankfully towards the end it lightened up.  Its amazing how everywhere we go they have activities or areas for child to play and get some energy out.  Here they had a climbing artwork and slide inside, a beehive to climb outside, and a giant linking log looking structure with what can only be described as Dr. Seuss land inside! It had a macrame structure with different levels the children could climb through and then roll around on top.

Some of the other art we saw!

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