Saturday, September 28, 2013

My first friend...

Well it had to happen sooner or later.  I made my first friend today.  We met on a train going visit a temple.  It wasn't a particularly crowded train but Kelly, Seth, and Marley sat down on one side and there weren't any seats next to them so I sat across from them next to this guy.  We were on the train for about 5 minutes when I realized we would soon be close friends.  And within about 10 minutes we were super close.  Here is a picture of Seth, Kelly, and Marley while I got to know my new friend.
Kelly is practically laughing, and Seth is trying to hide his face.  I'm not sure why they wanted to laugh at my new friend.  Unfortunately I was not able to catch his name as he was not in a state of mind to tell me.  We shall call him SanSleepy.
SanSleepy was not willing to smile for the camera as his head slowly creeped toward my shoulder.  It was difficult to capture my friendship on camera without disturbing him but this was about 7 minutes into our trip.  After about 10 minutes and another 4 inches closer to me I quietly sat up and moved to the other side of my friend. 
The End.

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