Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Adventures with a three year old...

Today was our last full day in Tokyo before we head to Kodaira tomorrow.  Kelly, Marley, and I explored the city yesterday and today.  We went up the Tokyo Tower yesterday and looked around.  Here are two pictures from the top of the tower.  Within 2 seconds of getting off the elevator at the top all Marley wanted to do was ride the elevator down. That and escalators are his favorite things to do...

 We met the father for lunch today and order something (we have no idea what it was!) It was the first place we've gone that we had to take our shoes off.  But heres a picture of one of the things we ate.  It had tentacles! Also, there were baby shirmp bodies the size of a thumb nail and miniature fish even smaller.

We found an 8 story toy park right next to our hotel today.  It was the first time Marely has been focused or stood still this whole trip.  He played for a solid 40 minutes with complete concentration!


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